01Register your event on GET portal.

02Estimate your event's expected GHG footprint and set relevant mitigation targets.

03Find the actual environmental impact of your event.

04Submit the event's data for reporting and certification.

05Receive Sustainability and/or Carbon Neutrality certification (optional and encouraged).

06Continuously improve organizational policy and practices.
From registration through to certification, the GET can help organizers improve their events. For those event organizers that choose to obtain a third-party certification for their event, the process is the following:
- Complete the Event Sustainability Checklist compulsory questions, and the desired optional questions for additional points. Upload the required documentation to prove the requirements were met or the actions were implemented.
- Complete the carbon footprint calculation and upload the required documentation to verify the data used in the calculations, as well as the proof of use of carbon credits to compensate emissions (if applicable).
- Request the third-party certification.
- Pay the verification and certification fee according to the size of your event.
- The verification team will analyze the data and the supporting documentation and contact you in case of questions.
- The verification team will finalize the assessment and the GET issues and publishes the report and certificate.