Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to events organized by United Nations (UN) entities constitute a significant portion of the total emissions of the organization. To address this and other issues, the Chief Executive Board for Coordination of the United Nations agreed that its members will implement the UN Sustainability Strategy, supported by UNEP and the UNFCCC secretariat.
In addition, Parties to the UNFCCC (States) welcomed the efforts of non-State actors to respond to climate change, including those of civil society, the private sector, financial institutions, cities and subnational authorities and invited them to scale up their efforts and support actions on mitigation and/or adaptation to climate change.
In response to the two mandates above, the UNFCCC secretariat called for a partnership to promote the environmental sustainability of events and meetings at global level, addressing in particular their climate impact.
As a result, an agreement was signed with UNEP and GORD, and a steering committee was established.
The objective of the Green Events Tool is to promote the sustainability of events and meetings at global level, addressing not only GHG emissions but also other sustainability impacts.